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Came down with a bug last week and only started to feel human yesterday, so I thought a run would help shift the last of it. Did my longest run so far, I literally ran until my legs turned to jelly and I went dizzy. I ended up lay on the floor trying to overcome a panic attack as I couldn’t breathe or see properly but despite that a coastal run blew away the cobwebs and made me feel like I had achieved something.
It was a quiet run and there was hardly anyone about, which is very much my kind of run. Pushing myself and getting out of my comfort zone is getting out there for a run or hike but right now it has to be somewhere quiet with very few people about as groups of strangers still sends my mental health spiralling and causes my PTSD to go worse and also triggers more flashbacks than I usually deal with, so it’s too much for me right now. I’m great with groups of people I know and feel safe with I’m just not there yet to push myself further but I will get there. Planning ahead really helps but I still can’t plan for everything and some things slip through the cracks. This time it was becoming dehydrated as I don’t have a running vest to carry fluids while I run yet. This is something I’m going to have to move up my priority list if I want to do another long run, so I will get saving for one.
Proud of myself for continuing to push my boundaries by trying somewhere new to run and giving it everything I had in the tank. My body and mind will get stronger and I know it is going to be a long journey. I am working very hard on accepting that recovery is going to take time but as long as I keep trying I will eventually get there. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthrecovery #mentalhealthawareness #ptsd #ptsdrecovery #complextrauma #running #runningmotivation #coastalrun #runningrecovery #freshair #pushyourlimits #keepgoing #tryingmybest

73 days smoke free!!! Just had to share because I haven’t checked this app for a little bit and I was blown away by how far I have come 💪🏼. I would say half of the days are easy and half are really difficult and I still use nicotine mints and gum the amount depends on the day but on the whole it’s getting less. I am still shocked that I’m managing to stick with this and I’m truly proud of myself. Also I’m loving that I can say I haven’t smoked this year 🥰 and as the days are ticking along being able to say this means more.
Stopping smoking is just one of many things that I’m either already doing or intending to do and every goal is something to make my body or mind healthier and stronger. I know that these objectives are contributing to me getting to become the person I want to be. Every piece of the puzzle matters and in the short term will help to get me through intensive trauma therapy and in the long term who knows, it’s actually not something I’ve thought about yet. I’m naturally an impatient person so that is also something I’m working hard on by trusting the choices I’m making and having faith in the path I’m walking and that at the very least my mental health will improve so that I can be a stronger more independent woman.
I want to thank everyone that has been following me on my journey to stronger mental health and huge thank you for you love, beautiful messages and support. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdrecoveryjourney #complextrauma #complextraumarecovery #trusttheprocess #positivity #strength #love #betterhealth #patience #healthybodyhealthymind #journey #stopsmoking #stopsmokingstartliving

After a week of not running I got myself back out there. Super proud of myself because it’s taken me days to push myself back out the door.
I struggle massively to get out and exercise I have to have loads of things in place and it’s a whole thing just to force myself outside. The promise I made to myself that I will push myself this year to improve my mental health is thankfully still the loudest voice. The self doubt, anxiety, darkness and trauma are still extremely loud and I battle with poor mental health constantly but the important thing is that I’m still fighting, fighting for myself. None of this is easy at times it feels impossible but I don’t allow myself to give up on myself. If you are struggling with your mental health remember you are worth fighting for and fight for yourself, just a little win makes all the difference. You’ve got this and you are so worth it, keep going and keep fighting for you 💪🏼🏃🏽‍♀️👌🏼. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdrecovery #ptsdrecoveryjourney #complextrauma #running #runningmotivation #thisgirlcan #thisgirlcanrun #positivity #keepgoing #youareworthit❤️ #youmatter #fightforyou

As I am still a non smoker I’ve decided to use some of the money saved on myself. It’s so easy to let the “extra” money get eaten up by bills etc because let’s be honest when you are on a tight budget there are always essentials to spend our money on, especially with rising prices.
When I smoked I used rolling tobacco and smoked very little so my “extra” isn’t loads but it’s still more. I’ve thought a lot about what I can do for myself and I’ve chosen something fairly simple. I need to drink way more water than I do and as I’m not far off 46 I need to start looking after my body more before menopause hits. I’m aware that when menopause does hit my hair, skin, nails and joints will be affected so I’m going to try a daily dose of collagen to see if I notice a difference. I also barely eat fruit as I’m not too keen on it so I’m also going to add some frozen berries to my water, that I will eat once I’m done with my water.
I am noticing that the big boost in exercise whilst great for my mental health, those natural hormone boosts that come with exercise are super helpful for someone like me with awful mental health but no medications have worked for me so I’m reliant on exercise and also I’m now looking at diet and supplements to also possibly help, my body is struggling to keep up and recover.
I’m hoping by starting to make little changes to my diet and other things that my recovery will start to improve and my body will start to keep up. If nothing else I’m getting much needed water into my body. I will update when I notice a difference. #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdrecovery #exercise #activelifestyle #healthcare #stopsmoking #stopsmokingstartliving #fruit #water #collagen #takecareofyourmentalhealt #littlechanges #littlechangesbigresults #takecareofyourself #takecareofyourtemple #takecareofyourmachine

Already planning hike no3!! Can’t wait to get back out into nature, take in the beauty around me and feel the absolute peace and calm that comes from being away from it all. If you don’t already, get yourself out in the middle of nowhere and go hiking for a few hours there is nothing like it. All the stress, anxiety, fear and darkness just melt away.
Give your mental health a good pampering and get out there!!! #mentalwellbeing #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #nature #naturetherapy🍃 #naturetherapyforsoul #hiking #hikingadventures #hikingtherapy #beauty #greatoutdoors #unplug #destress #unwind

Needed to escape from my head and get a win. So I did my 2nd hike yesterday up Pendle Hill over 1,800ft it was stunningly beautiful, challenging and peaceful in equal measure. The silence was something else, there was barely a soul about and the quiet and stunning views were something else. My mind completely emptied surrounded by the beauty and peace. I don’t know if I’m just picking the right time or places or both but my 2 hikes have been so quiet and solitary, it’s been perfect. I achieved a higher elevation so I got my win and absorbed so much beauty it made my heart beyond full. Got quite emotional when I got to the top. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdrecovery #nature #naturelover #naturalbeauty #pendlehill #hike #hikelife #hikevibes #hikeingadventures

Two months of not smoking, that’s huge for me. Still very much taking it a day at a time and still using nicotine mints and gum but even that is getting gradually less. Been trying to work on running faster so I’ve been doing shorter faster runs. Can’t say I’m getting the same benefit from it mental health wise as it was supposed to be about escaping into my runs to switch off I’m actually not sure how it ended up the way it has. I do want to beat my 5k PB but once I achieve that I can go back to enjoying my runs again. I’m honestly unsure that it’s the right move for me as my mental health has took a nose dive, the 2nd morning was brutal it took about an hour to get out the door and I had sat crying for 20 mins then cried during my run. It then didn’t help getting laughed at by some girl running the opposite way with her mate, it’s the 2nd time this has happened since I started back on the 1st January.
So to all you fit, fast, skinny birds good for you that you look great and are fab runners. Not all of us are like you, yes I’m fat and awkward but I’m having a go and working ridiculously hard to get out the door to run and improve my physical and mental health. So perhaps think twice before giving a snide look and laughing, try and put yourself in my shoes. To the beautiful humans that smile and encourage thank you so very much these small interactions make difficult days brighter.
Still going and still trying to improve my life and mental health 💪🏼🏃🏽‍♀️. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdawareness #ptsdrecovery #running #runningmotivation #runningtherapy #bekind #thisgirlcanrun #keepgoing #staystrong #positivevibes

Mental well-being and support - A guide to understanding

Mental health awareness plays an important role in eliminating stereotype thinking and various myths that people are following nowadays. Knowing about the common conditions, support methods and the practical steps that can help in improving the mental health issues.


In the latest instalment of Emma’s midlife crisis she goes on her 1st hike. Encounters some serious beauty and surrounds herself in nature. At times it’s that quiet and there are no people around that she feels like the only soul on the planet.
Rivington pike loop is a challenging hike, the elevation gains at times had me hearing my heart in my ears and was really out of breath. The steep walk down was a huge challenge for me as I hate heights at one time I wouldn’t of had the courage to take such a steep route down so I’m really proud of myself for that. Some very boggy areas on the moors to navigate, again a new experience for me. Proud of myself for choosing my 1st route to challenge me to my limits as well as emersing myself in so much beauty. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdawareness #ptsdrecovery #complextrauma #complextraumarecovery #hike #1sthikeever #hikelife #hikeuk #rivingtonpike #winterhill #lancashiremoors #nature #beauty #peace #calm #quietthechaos

Integrating behavioral health into your daily routine can improve emotional resilience. Try mindfulness, therapy (CBT, DBT), and self-care practices like exercise and balanced nutrition. A strong support system and professional care are key for long-term well-being and recovery.

Discover more about building healthier habits for mental well-being in our latest article.


Mental Health Treatment | MA · How to Integrate Behavioral Health into Your Daily LifeDiscover how to incorporate behavioral health into your daily routine with mindfulness, therapy, and self-care. Learn about therapy programs for mental wellness.

Had a brutal night filled with really traumatic night terrors so all I wanted to do was wrap myself in my blanket and wallow in the darkness. I pushed myself really hard not to give in and help myself by getting out the door. My head gave me every reason not to go out and run but I fought back really fucking hard got myself out the door and get some exercise, fresh air and switch off the darkness and pain.
I’m really proud of my achievements today as they were fought for, trying to recover from complex trauma and PTSD is a tough and long road but on I’m determined to keep walking (or running). Go me!! Go sports!!!! #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdawareness #ptsdrecovery #complextrauma #complextraumarecovery #running #tennis #parklife #exercise #freshair #thisgirlcan #thisgirlcanrun #gosports