The #WashingtonDC Tidal Basin #CherryBlossoms are still just tiny pink buds as of Friday #2025 #March 31
Some bike questions will only get an answer on BikeForums, but they’ll also get a lot of people incorrecting you and each other about specifics of various vintage parts.
While building my current (old) bike project, they explained how the shifters wouldn’t work with my rear derailleur (they do), my cranks would have the wrong chain line without a specific bottom bracket (they don’t), and that my rear derailleur couldn’t handle a 28t cog (which it gets into just fine). The Classic & Vintage guys know a lot, but they also repeat a lot of nonsense. Glad I didn’t listen!
I'm a library fan, so I'm extra happy to be mutual followers with you, @swacknificent.
"Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states are in the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France. We shall fight on the seas and oceans. We shall fight with growing strength and growing confidence in the air. We shall defend this island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender. And if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island, or a large part of it is suffering and starving, then our Empire beyond the sea, armed and guarded by the British fleet, shall carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, in all it's power and might, steps forth to the rescue and liberation of the Old."
It's spring and time for my periodic reminder that you can get free, 10 foot tall, native shade trees planted on your property in Montgomery County, Maryland (outside of incorporated Rockville & Gaithersburg).
Just fill in the online form, and when contacted, designate what variety and where you want them and will take care of the rest.
Homes, apartment complexes, businesses, schools, HOAs, houses of worship-- all are eligible.
My home had space for 3. A neighbor got 8. The common areas of our HOA received 58!
And they have lots of kinds of trees-- oaks, maples, elms, gums, sycamores and more. If you've been wishing for some shade or want to reduce the size of your lawn, you have absolutely nothing to lose. DM if you have questions. Boosts welcome.
monetr: Take Control of Your Finances
This is a great new budgeting app from a great developer. It's only $4/month for the paid, hosted version. can also host it yourself!
Staying sunny and seasonable this weekend, then another round of a few light showers Monday; not seeing any frosts or freezes for now
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences:
Danica Roem needs to primary Mark Warner and beat his transphobic ass. #Virginia
Wife is in D.C. for a concert so it's just me and the doggos tonight! And of course I'll spend several hours trying to decide what to watch....Lord of the Rings/Hobbit marathon? One of the other Star Wars series I haven't seen yet? The Black List, perhaps, which I had started but didn't finish?
Allow your disappointment in this fact to be leavened by the knowledge that you, yourself, are the most important determination of what America’s future will look like. If you, and millions of people like you, resolve to stand up, we will win.
because universities are less Gardens of Free Thought than they are portfolios of real estate holdings and endowment investments and government contracts and comfortable bureaucratic sinecures. I could not invent any better demonstration of how you can expect universities to act in coming years than what Columbia University is doing right now: Allowing a student to be illegally snatched by the gestapo with scarcely a murmur of complaint, while attempting to placate the right wing with statements of concern about campus antisemitism, while having their government funding gutted anyhow.
This inherent amorality and its capacity to acquiesce to monstrosities is why capitalism should be condemned
None of us can predict the future, but it is possible to make some well-informed guesses about where we should—and should not—expect to see The Resistance forming in earnest. In any situation like ours, where a vindictive and dictatorial figure with no regard for law or morality is centralizing power in his own hands, it does not take a crystal ball to know how different groups will respond. It only takes an understanding of incentives, and of human nature. Here is one thing that I feel very confident in saying: The people and institutions in America who have the most will do the least in this fight. Do not be surprised when your search for saviors among the pillars of society fails.
Demonstrators protest Project 2025 outside Heritage Foundation | NBC4 Washington