Woo hoo: Klawock (Tlingit county, Prince of Wales Island) up to 60F (15.6C) early Thursday afternoon. This first 60F temperature of the year in Alaska. #akwx #Spring2025 @Climatologist49
Woo hoo: Klawock (Tlingit county, Prince of Wales Island) up to 60F (15.6C) early Thursday afternoon. This first 60F temperature of the year in Alaska. #akwx #Spring2025 @Climatologist49
"I'll have one with just a smidge of purple here and there."
March 15 snowpack snow water equivalent (the amount of water in the snowpack) Alaska and vicinity relative to the 1991-2020 baseline from ERA5 data. Very low snowpack around the Bristol Bay region NEwd into the upper Kuskokwim valley. Also along the western Kenai Peninsula coast into northern Cook Inlet. Low snow most for of Southeast. On the other hand, much of the Interior and northwest Alaska Brooks Range southward has near to well above average snowpack. #Spring2025 #Snow @Climatologist49
Flash Friday
The Flash US 29 Spring Guide is here! Whether you're commuting to work, heading out for some shopping
, or looking for the best bike
trails, Flash is a fast, convenient way to get there. The Flash fare is $1.00! #ridetheflash
#montgomerycountymd #weekend #spring2025 #transportation #mdcommuters #transitTooter
It's interesting to me that the cherry tree is more leafed out than blooming. I guess all the rain and warmer temps over the winter has something to do with it? #dendrology #spring2025 #trees #color #swva #springinvirginina
Happy official day of spring fellas! Spring knight - freshly rescanned for ya!
Today is officially the first day of spring!
While I like the colors that come with spring, I don't like the warm/hot temperatures that come with it.
The #weather near me (outside of #Chicago ) has been very warm, then snow, then very warm, and snow again.
That's just a normal #springtime in #Illinois , so I have a lot of empathy for this poor little #owl .
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Spring might have technically begun on March 1st, but the weather in many places doesn't seem to have heard that news.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
As usual for when the Moon is in Scorpio, or magnificently void of course, (tonight: both!!) I've been craving noodles/noodle soups.
And lacking either the core ingredients needed or the money to get takeout (or even the wish for takeout, really: the stuff I want I've just got to make at home, and that's at once a tiring and exciting thought), I just ran through my (few) memories of food I'd had before moving out that I'd enjoyed, which included this incredible soupy garlic chicken noodles I'd had at the Coffee House near College St., Kolkata, and browsed through a number of recipes on Chinese food blogs.
And then went on and had my dinner of leftover roti and my first, very nice attempt at a favourite potato and green papaya vegetable (first fed to me by my BFF#2) -- that I'd spoiled while reheating by adding too much salt
Anyway, my beloved neem tree flowered today for the first time ever. And for a second first-time-ever, I saw neem flowers live. Have I mentioned that, growing up, I've always adored neem trees and wanted to live so close to one that I'd be able to touch it from my window, and now, by some miracle, I actually live exactly that close to one of those beauties?! I'm declaring March 17 a personal holiday
#RetreatPosting #VoidMoonVibes
#BloomScrolling #Spring2025 #NativePlants
Winter's still alive and well in Selawik and indeed much of Northwest Arctic Borough, with Kotzebue at 7am -27F (-32.8C). #akwx #Spring2025
Dawn Saturday morning at Sivuqaq (Gambell), St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. Overnight low temperature of -11F (-23.9C) is the lowest temperature (so far) in the 2024-25 winter. Image courtesy
FAA. #akwx #weather #Spring2025 @Jdnome
Spring 2025 Issue #2 of MUNTJAC mag is on the way! Don’t miss out on all the explosive content waiting in the pipeline!
Check out ISSUE #1 here: https://muntjacmag.noblogs.org
Follow MUNTJAC for updates! @muntjac
Spring is coming...الربيع قادم...
Go make ripples together!
I get dispirited when I remember that my professional writing has become mostly an effort to make money these days. It's hard to truly enjoy anything with so much pressure on.
But then I think about why I need that dough: sustenance for myself so I live to see another spring as beautiful as this one, if not more so. Shared resources with and gifts for my friends: the humans I laugh and cry and love with, the other-than-human kin that tell me stories and give us strength.
I don't love having my nose to the grindstone. (Who does?!) But I do love building a world together with and for my loves.
#RetreatPosting #VoidMoonVibes
#BloomScrolling #Spring2025 #HomeCooking
Dismal Manor survived the storms. We’re all here. Rocky fed, coffee made, porridge bubbling.
There’s a long lead hour Thursday. Redfin displays a nice smolder. But she’s the only bright spot for miles around.
Weather is seasonable. March continues to growl with a breezy afternoon and secondary cold front passage. Windy at the coast. Afraid to look at the forecast.
#VAwx #spring2025