'The Story of Nastagio Degli Onesti, Part One' by Sandro Botticelli, 1483
'The Story of Nastagio Degli Onesti, Part One' by Sandro Botticelli, 1483
Some #workinprogress photos of #paintings made for people in Poland, Indiana, Armenia, & California over the last several years ~~~
Msg me if you're interested in having something painted! ~~~
Anyone who needs some #green for their interior, here below're 4 works made by my friends & myself w/a lot of nice calming green tones in them
new art
'Vision in the Forest'
made by Jo aka Aphisan
available, msg me if interested
An assortment of prismatic works made by my local #artist friends Kib, Apisit, Baow, & Muai; msg me if you see one you like that you'd like to inquire about
’Origin of Music and Dance at the Rock Door’ by Shunsai Toshimasa, 1887
Nice large #paintings with a lot of warm #red tones in them; all of these're available, they were made by my local #artist pals; msg me if interested, it's very easy for me to send you one of these gorgeous works
A little whimsical fun for Monday, Nurse Nellie from my frog collection:)
Available here..https://tina-lecour.pixels.com/featured/nurse-nellie-tina-lecour.html
Blanco Family Museum in Angono, Philippines
Collection of paintings by the celebrated Blanco Family.#paintings #family #museums #gallery #section-Atlas
Blanco Family Museum
'Our Life', watercolour, 39 x 28 cm. A commissioned painting of a house and car which both mean a lot to their owners. I like doing house portraits and I enjoy doing cars with character - what's not to like!?