Got a call from Dad this morning at 5.30, which is not too awful but it still woke me (for context, I'm usually up before 6 as I start at 6.30, but last night I went to bed late so was planning to sleep in a bit... but I digress)
Anyway, he wasn't feeling well, and given little-bit-scary experience we had a couple of weeks ago, we decided we'd go into hospital. Thankfully a quick visit this time! We got there by 6.30 and he was back home by 10.30 with more medications. We talked on the phone and just now and he's doing better. It's complicated, when you're older, isn't it?
I have some thoughts on ageing and caring and what care looks like and how that could be extrapolated to the community... but it's nearly 21.30 and it has been a long day. I'll post on the weekend.
Meanwhile I was able to take the day out of work with carer's leave and it is those kinds of things that are good about salaried employment. My workplace might be a chaotic mess right now but getting paid time off to care for my family is a plus.