Today's the USMail Not For Sale Day of Action
Made sure to have a card in my mail for the mail carrier.
Resist & Uplift
#Resistance #USPol #USPS #Resist #Uplift
From: @kellyromanych
Today's the USMail Not For Sale Day of Action
Made sure to have a card in my mail for the mail carrier.
Resist & Uplift
#Resistance #USPol #USPS #Resist #Uplift
From: @kellyromanych
Satellite Data Study Pinpoints Areas Sinking And Rising Along California Coast
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #sealevel #sealevelrise #subsidence #model #modeling #SLR #coast #coastline #verticallandmotion #VLM #California #climatechange #planning #policy #remotesensing #groundwater #pumping #risk #hazard #infrastructure #damage #wastewater #injection #tidegauge #dynamic #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #numericmodeling #uplift #projections #flood #flooding #mitigation #satellite #ocean #marine
Universal Basic Income isn’t just about individuals - it’s about #communities
When people aren’t struggling to survive, they have time to #volunteer #create and #uplift those around them. They can be full time #parents or #students They are able to follow their interests and talents.
Multi-billion projects at stake: Another blow for UK’s largest untapped oil & gas duo but Shell, Equinor, and Ithaca remain upbeat #Britain #ClimateChange #decarbonization #EnergyTransition #Equinor #GreatBritain #Greenpeace #GreenpeaceUK #Jackdaw #NetZero #NorthSea #Rosebank #Scope3Emissions #Shell #ShetlandIslands #UK #UKNorthSea #UnitedKingdom #Uplift
Melting #Antarctic ice sheets may be causing larger volcanic eruptions
During #deglaciation, melting of kilometers-thick #IceSheets reduces the mass weighing down the land, which leads to #uplift. This alters the pressure inside #magma chambers lying below the Earth's surface, causing #volcanic eruptions.
Scientists Uncover Hidden Forces Causing Continents To Rise
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#geology #model #modeling #structuralgeology #uplift #escarpments #Africa #Brazil #tectonics #tectonicplates #plateaus #GreatEscarpment #SouthAfrica #continents #rifts #plateboundaries #mantle #upwelling #geomorphology #cratons #uplift #geostatistics #statistics #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #numericmodeling #computermodeling
Stanford Study Shows Where – And Why – Recharge Is Uplifting Sunken Ground
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #groundwater #subsidence #overpumping #water #hydrology #waterresources #SanJoaquinValley #California #SanJoaquin #recharge #rechargingaquifer #aquifer #InSAR #radar #uplift #elevation #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #AEM #soil #geology #clay #sediment #gravel #compaction #infrastructure #canal #watersecurity #farming #agriculture
Folks, this is a deceptive design pattern. There is a very clear third option here (keep me updated on this campaign’s progress only) that is not implemented for marketing reasons.
I expect better from a platform that exists to effect ‘progressive change across Ireland’.
Magma And Mountain Building At The Columbia River Gorge
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#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #GPS #geophysics #subductionzone #plateboundary #PNW #Oregon #columbiariver #geology #structuralgeology #model #modeling #vulcanism #volcanic #magma #fieldwork #igneous #platetectonics #uplift #compression #extension #geologicmapping #geologic #orogeny #mountains #mountainbuilding