No one else seeing the irony of Conor Mcgregor ranting about the Irish immigration problem to let the "40 million" Irish-Americans know about it. There is Irish-Americans because the Irish emigrated to America.
No one else seeing the irony of Conor Mcgregor ranting about the Irish immigration problem to let the "40 million" Irish-Americans know about it. There is Irish-Americans because the Irish emigrated to America.
Houthis and the Blown Ships
@palestine @lebanon @yemen @irannachrichten
Sorry, why was Conor Mcgregor at the oval office. Did they need a token Irish guy for photos because it was St. Patricks day. Whose the bigger publicity whore?
Inspired by a visit to The Seven Churches on Inishmore, this Celtic cross stands among rocks and grass under a night sky. A nod to Ireland’s deep-rooted traditions, where the past and present blend. What Irish places or traditions have touched you?
Prints available on Etsy (US) and Pixels (most locations and more options)
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Pixels -
Mashanaglass castle is unfortunately in VERY ruinous state and not all all stabilized. It's one of those structures where you genuinely worry about a rock deciding to chose that moment to fall on you.
It might have made its way down the centuries in much better shape, but treasure hunters in1864 decided to blow it up, thinking that it's fleeing owners had left treasure in secret compartments within the walls.
Kayaking Adventures in Dingle Harbour
Two people kayaking at the mouth of Dingle Harbour in Co. Kerry while I was on a boat looking for Fungi, the Dingle Dolphin, back in 2017.
We saw Fungi that day. He broke the water a few times.
These days, things are a bit more peaceful at Carrigadrohid and it is crumbling slowly into complete ruin. Not much work has been done to stabilize the structure and make it safe for visitors, so you are limited to external viewing only.
Forget the gold, give us a pot of books at the end of that rainbow
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Support an Irish author this St. Patricks Day
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To all the Americans wearing 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' shirts today, these recs are for you!
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If you find reading The Dubliners by James Joyce has you escaping into naps rather than into the story, try these books set in Ireland!
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Get your fantasy fix this St. Paddy's Day with these Irish Folklore based reads
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“Downing Street said on Monday it expected “more than 30” countries to join a coalition to help secure a lasting peace in Ukraine, though British officials admit that *many would not be willing to put boots on the ground.*
#Britain, #France and #Australia have signalled they are ready to send #troops to help enforce a #ceasefire in #Ukraine, but all have warned that any peace could only be guaranteed if the US provided a military “backstop”.
A larger group of EU countries — including #Ireland, #Luxembourg and #Belgium — have not ruled out participating in a possible force, depending on the rules of engagement agreed and its #LegalBasis.”
#ROE / #rules <> / <> (paywall)
Happy St. Paddy's Day from BonDrac Studios! Lucky for you, we've put together some Irish inspired reading recs!
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"Happy St. Patrick's Day" teableau for 03/17/25
Happy St. Paddy's Day to all who celebrate.