I have to celebrate a small win for my sensory sensitive disabled self.
It’s taken me four years but I believe I have finally won the battle with Concord Hospital over the abusive level of the hold music the call center uses.
It would give me #PEM every time I had to call my doctor. And if I send a message through the portal it takes three days for them to get back to me so that’s not always practical.
They didn’t care when I complained that it hurt because of #MECFS, they didn’t care when I asked them how #autistic people who have more sensory issues than I do even call their doctor, they didn’t care when I told them that everyone on their staff in the clinical locations hates the call center as much as I do, but they did care when I accused them of trying to trigger #migraines so that they can admit me and bill #Medicare $25,000.
But you know what actually did it? I found out there was a civil rights division at Concord Hospital and I complained to them instead of patient relations. When I started talking about the rehabilitation act of 1974 (or 1973 idk) patient relations didn’t care, but the civil rights department did.
And I’m still dying to know who owns that call center because it’s the same call center used by NH #DHHS if you have to call the welfare office. So I suspect it’s someone related to Chris Sununu and they’re locked into some awful contract. The food stamp workers hate the call center too. I’ve been talking to people about this for four years.
I finally won. It’s been a good week for me here in New Hampshire.