Ajo wanted an announcement made for #MonDog: he is very, VERY ready for green grass and nice weather again.
PS - the human servant fully agrees!
I've been in great need of emergency #puppy photos lately. So here a few from long ago. Seems like maybe others would be, too? I think lots of people should share theirs, also!
Left on the white background: Rhythm and River (6wks). Right on the grass: Uno (5wks) All three grew up to be service dogs.
Good morning and happy Thursday. Another day, another customary morning view.
Puppy pics usually ease my brain cramps. If that's true for others, here's a massive dose, and a view some might not have seen before. Top row is a litter of 9 pups at 1wk old. Each row down shows the same pup (note colors of cloth under each) one week later. In my former life, we called this The Puppy Grid. Hope the fuzzy faces might brighten someone's evening.
Little dude in the far right column (green) is the darker dog in my profile pic.
#3GoodThings for #today. I won't often include pics, but maybe once in a while?
1: The SUN SHONE. Temps reached 19F and the dogs were able to have a reasonable outside play time. I'd nearly forgotten the concept of shadows
2: we had authentic Yooper Pasties. (For those unfamiliar, that would require a post of its own.)
3: found reliable help with the "snow problem" on the garage before the roof collapsed.
Folks seemed to enjoy the #puppy pics a few days ago. So here's another: a main character in my upcoming book at 6wks. Not the most profound post of the day, but, IMO, way better to look at than certain other faces.
For extra fun, this pic is 24 years old. Pup was the 5x- and 6x-great grandfather of the dogs in my profile pic. Brilliant soul who made a profound impact in the service dog and guide dog communities.
For #MonDog, I decided to update the profile picture--the old one was getting close to 4yrs old. So, of course, it had to include Voelker (left) and Ajo (right), because I'm rarely without them. A profile pic it too tiny to much of a tribute to the boys, so I'm including the regular one also. It may or may not end up as the "about the author" pic in the upcoming book.
The boys complained that I ignored them on #MonDog, so here's a makeup post with a puppy pic of each. IMO, more puppy pics will always make life better, even if only in tiny degrees.
The coat-blowing furballs wish everyone a happy #MonDog and goodnight. Their worthless human is too exhausted & stressed to be much use posting tonight, so they said they'd handle it.
May something #today give you as much pleasure as they find in their games.
It's Friday afternoon. I leave the work desk to find the youngster who never naps... crashed. I believe he has the right idea.
In my former life? "Hey it's Friday night! Let's go DO something!"
#Today I feel OLD. Like 150 old.
Tigh the #CrispyRescueKitteh continues to lovingly torment his dog-mom. Ember (as always) takes it in stride and would have it no other way.
I'm constantly impressed with my sister's critters - and a bit jealous of how they all get along together.
Today he is 9, and I almost forgot to wish him a Happy Birthday on here. (Though he did get a special chicken dinner IRL!) Voelker says what he really wants for this birthday and all the rest of the ones in his life is a dramatic, hard-liberal takeover of the entire continent. I guess I need to get him a blue bandana?
It's not #MonDog, but since I'll be tied up tomorrow, I'm posting today with a basic observation that sometimes I'm honestly not sure why Voelker lets the youngster live.
Storm out with a few #Germanshepherds friends today. Not actually as cold as it looked.
Ajo: *endless growling & staring out the window at the electricians today.
Voelker: "Kid, would ya chill?!? You're being weird and yer messin up my nap."
Ah... the joy of dogdom on Christmas: plentiful treats, lots of time for outside games, and the sublime texture of a new toy!