TD Cowen reports Microsoft canceled new data center projects in the US & Europe, cutting ~2GW of capacity, signaling potential AI computing oversupply. #Microsoft #DataCenters #AIDemand #TechNews #CloudComputing #AI #TechIndustry #BusinessNews
TD Cowen reports Microsoft canceled new data center projects in the US & Europe, cutting ~2GW of capacity, signaling potential AI computing oversupply. #Microsoft #DataCenters #AIDemand #TechNews #CloudComputing #AI #TechIndustry #BusinessNews
"You can only throw so much money at a problem.
This, more or less, is the line being taken by AI researchers in a recent survey. Asked whether "scaling up" current AI approaches could lead to achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI), or a general purpose AI that matches or surpasses human cognition, an overwhelming 76 percent of respondents said it was "unlikely" or "very unlikely" to succeed.
Published in a new report, the findings of the survey, which queried 475 AI researchers and was conducted by scientists at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, offer a resounding rebuff to the tech industry's long-preferred method of achieving AI gains — by furnishing generative models, and the data centers that are used to train and run them, with more hardware. Given that AGI is what AI developers all claim to be their end game, it's safe to say that scaling is widely seen as a dead end."
I guess I haven’t been paying enough attention to local news. Is it too late to stop UVA from building a data center at Fontaine?
#cville #charlottesville #AlbemarleCounty #planning #DataCenters #Virginia #UVA
Nvidia announces “Rubin Ultra” and “Feynman” AI chips for 2027 and 2028 - On Tuesday at Nvidia's GTC 2025 conference in San Jose, California, CEO Je... - #aiinfrastructure #machinelearning #nvidiaverarubin #cloudcomputing #nvidiafeynman #datacenters #jensenhuang #rubinultra #blackwell #verarubin #biz #nvidia #tech #gpus #ai #it
"Le ministère de l’Éducation nationale et de la jeunesse vient d'attribuer le marché public qui vise à équiper ses services centraux et les établissements supérieurs en solutions #Microsoft, des postes client aux #datacenters. L'enveloppe prévisionnelle se monte à un minimum de 74 millions d'euros, en nette hausse par rapport au précédent contrat, alors même que le ministère vient d'enjoindre dans une nouvelle circulaire les établissements scolaires à exclure « toute utilisation de solution non #souveraine dans le domaine de l’éducation »."
@EUCommission I don't say hello as long as these #dataCenters lead to an immense climate-damaging footprint (water consumption/electricity), can even increase electricity costs for inhabitants of such an area. As long as there are no ethical guidelines. As long as these things scrape everything without restraint, appropriate copyrighted content and thus massively harm the #authors. I say: we could use the money for urgently needed social and climate projects!
"Microsoft tempted to hit the gas as renewables can't keep up with AI"
The not so hidden costs of the so-called AI. This is your contribution every single time you use Copilot, ChatGPT and all that crap, and if you do really believe the "...with carbon capture technology..." part, at best, you're naive.
#LLMs #Microsoft #AI #datacenters
#environment #energy #sustainability
Can Carbon Capture Keep Up with AI’s Energy Demand? #AIElectricityUse #CarbonCapture #CarbonCredits #CarbonStorage #CcsTechnology #CleanEnergy #ClimateChange #DataCenters #ElectricityConsumption #Energy #EnergyDemand #EnergyInfrastructure #FossilFuels #google #microsoft #NaturalGasEmissions #PowerPlants #RenewableEnergy #U.S.PowerGrid
Este artículo analiza el fracaso de las políticas que buscaban unos #CentrosDeDatos más verdes en Alemania.
El gobierno alemán tenía grandes esperanzas puestas en sus objetivos de sostenibilidad en el acuerdo de coalición de 2021: poner en común los centros de datos, utilizar el calor residual, cambiar a electricidad verde, comprar productos informáticos con el sello Ángel Azul.
Sin embargo, Anke Domscheit-Berg, ( @ankedb ) portavoz de política digital del Partido de Izquierda, fue mordaz en su valoración de que estos objetivos se habían incumplido con creces.
Algunas de estas medidas parecen buenas, pero se quedan en papel mojado si no se cumplen, que es lo que parece que ha pasado. Además, están desperdiciando el potente papel que tiene el Estado como consumidor de dichos servicios.
"Solo con su inmenso poder de mercado, el Gobierno federal podría influir en los proveedores para que sus productos informáticos fueran más sostenibles", afirma Domscheit-Berg. Pero simplemente dejó escapar esta oportunidad. Aunque existen "resoluciones, directrices y especificaciones", no hay "ningún compromiso, ninguna transparencia en cuanto a la aplicación y nadie que se sienta realmente responsable".
P.D. Gracias a @earthworm
y @roofjoke por compartir la información.
Ethernet speed evolution is driven by increasing demands for higher bandwidth, lower latency, and improved network efficiency to support data-intensive applications, cloud computing, and AI workloads
Here is how Ethernet standards have evolved over time #datacenters
Find high-res pdf books with all my #technology related infographics at
EU-US rift triggers call for made-in-Europe tech – POLITICO #ArtificialIntelligence #AxelVoss #BigTech #Budget #China #Cloud #Companies #Data #DataCenters #Defense #DigitalID #DonaldTrump #Europe #Germany #HennaVirkkunen #INFRASTRUCTURE #Innovation #investment #Italy #Platforms #Policy #PublicProcurement #SebastianoToffaletti #services #Technology #trade #UnitedStates #War
The UK is embracing AI at any cost as it’s desperate to increase economic growth. But is that a good strategy?
On #TechWontSaveUs, I spoke with James Meadway to discuss what’s happening in the UK and the consequences of allowing US tech to dominate.
Listen to the full episode: “At the same time that Virginia is mandating an elimination of carbon-based fuels, we’re importing more carbon-based fuel.” #Virginia #solar #shortage #power #DataCenters #coal #climate
"At worst, this situation could suggest that Microsoft is actively dumping OpenAI, and is having questions about the fundamentals of the generative AI industry.
In very plain terms, Microsoft, despite its excitement around artificial intelligence and its dogged insistence that it’s the future of technology, has canceled data center leases and over a gigawatt of other datacenter infrastructure. Doing so heavily suggests that Microsoft does not intend to expand its data center operations, or at least, to the extraordinary levels the company initially promised.
While Microsoft has reiterated that it intends to spend $80 billion in capital expenditures on AI in 2025, it's unclear how it intends to do so if it’s pulling back on data center expansion at such a large scale, and the company has provided no tangible explanation or elaboration as to how it might do so. While hardware upgrades could account for some of its capital expenditures, it would be nowhere near the $80bn figure.
Again, hyperscale datacenters aren’t cheap. They’re massive, billion-dollar (or multi-billion) ventures."
In the WTF department, Thales and others are working on extraterrestrial #DataCenters, with the claim to reduce their ecological footprints.