Had this article shared with me today: https://fortune.com/2025/02/11/ai-impact-brain-critical-thinking-microsoft-study/
I went through an array of #emotions. At first, I found it #awkward and #discomforting. I made jokes:
Wait, you mean people aren't thinking #critically and growing #cognitively because the #digitalization of the world is doing it for them....and it's making them (gasps) #dumber!!?? #AI is making it worse?? Is this #Idiocracy?
Am I being #punked right now!? Where's Ashton and the cameras!
Then, I had a deep #selfrealization:
Jokes aside - This is a #sensitive topic for me. I talk about it in my closest circle too often. Unfortunately, I have a front seat to the steep cognitive #decline of some close #friends and #family members for years now, and it makes me sad - not because of disease or "old age", simply because of too much screen time and no new cognitive #stimulation. I see too many people purposefully avoiding nearly anything #cerebral, if they even approach them at all. I have many days where I wish the #Internet didn't exist - for a multitude of reasons, but this is a big one. I'm not trying to be "old fashioned" or #sarcastic, I'm just #disappointed in how we #humanz have grown to depend on #technology as a #crutch, rather than using it as the #tool it was invented to be. As the article eludes to, these technologies are supposed to #complement human #evolution, not #supplement it.
(part 1)