Belted kingfisher with crawdad catch
Belted kingfisher with crawdad catch
After bebopping around the desert yesterday morning, went over to Harmon Reservoir to start working on my 2025 birding list.
Here are a few of the photos I took while out.
Birds of the Secluded Pond
Oh wow, here is a great egret (Ardea alba) at a secluded pond in Albany, Georgia. But wait, if you look to the left on a tree branch, you'll see what I missed when I took this photograph. There is a belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) just sitting on the branch.
Stop immediately and visit my photo gallery at
Today’s best birds at the Sacramento Wildlife Refuge includes a Bald Eagle, a Belted Kingfisher (!!!!!!), a well hidden Meadow Lark, and a Black Phoebe #BaldEagle #BeltedKingfisher #MeadowLark #BlackPhoebe #Birds #SacramentoWildlifeRefuge #Fujifilm
#BirdMaxxing: 1 bird/hour until 11/11
Belted Kingfisher, 28th July 2022
Fresh Pond Reservation, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Canon EOS R5, Sigma 150-600mm + 1.4x teleconverter @ 840mm, 20% crop, 1/800s, f/10, ISO 10000
#Birds #BeltedKingfisher #VoteBlueForBirds
Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon), 8th January 2023
es: Martín Gigante Norteamericano, fr: Martin-pêcheur D’Amérique
Alewife Brook Reservation, Arlington, Massachusetts
Massa-adchu-es-et (Massachusett), Naumkeag & Pawtucket traditional territory
Canon EOS R5, Canon RF 800mm f/11, 40% crop, 1/500s, ISO 1600
#Birds #BeltedKingfisher #BEKI #BirdPhotography #VoteBlueForBirds #DescribeYourImages
Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon), 8th January 2023
es: Martín Gigante Norteamericano, fr: Martin-pêcheur D’Amérique
Alewife Brook Reservation, Arlington, Massachusetts
Massa-adchu-es-et (Massachusett), Naumkeag & Pawtucket traditional territory
Canon EOS R5, Canon RF 800mm f/11, 15% crop, 1/500s, ISO 320
#Birds #BeltedKingfisher #BEKI #BirdPhotography #DescribeYourImages
Morning catch 20230913
This is a belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon), it flew over this morning while I was sitting outside. Interestingly, several minutes earlier, I used Merlin to record the songs of birds in the area and the belted kingfisher popped up. I considered walking to the pond down the road to take a look, but I was comfortable drinking my coffee.
"With its top-heavy physique, energetic flight, and piercing rattle, the Belted Kingfisher seems to have an air of self-importance as it patrols up and down rivers and shorelines. It nests in burrows along earthen banks and feeds almost entirely on aquatic prey, diving to catch fish and crayfish with its heavy, straight bill. These ragged-crested birds are a powdery blue-gray; males have one blue band across the white breast, while females have a blue and a chestnut band."