A beautiful bright blue Mountain Bluebird, the Nevada state bird, showing off its amazing color.
A beautiful bright blue Mountain Bluebird, the Nevada state bird, showing off its amazing color.
Western Meadowlark singing
Great Horned Owl in a nest
Belted kingfisher with crawdad catch
I have to wait until eBird confirms the sighting, but I think I saw a lifer that's rare for this time of year. iNaturalist suggested a Sage Thrasher and when I looked at other regional pictures, they look remarkably similar to this bird.
Spent the weekend enjoying the sunshine and warmth. Even took some photos of birds. Here's some of the ones I like.
#CarsonValley #DouglasCounty #StillwaterNWR #ChurchillCounty #Nevada #Birds #Birding #BirdWatching #Wildlife #NaturePhotography #WildlifePhotography #BirdPhotography #BirdsOfMastodon ##RedTailedHawk #AmericanKestrel #SongSparrow #WilsonsSnipe
I'm always on the lookout for owls. I don't always see them, but when I can, it always makes me feel good for the day.
I was surprised to see a couple White-Faced Ibis. I didn't think they were still around (though I don't know where they go or when).
I did see some herons that were generous enough to stay around while I took their pictures.
Decided to avoid social media today and so went to look for birds. Here are a few that I saw this morning.
Seems I never uploaded the pair of owls I found during the massive wind storm a couple weeks ago?
Least, I can't find the image now.
I think this is a juvenile red-tailed hawk. Never turned enough for me to see it's chest, but I did get a picture of it's open wing with the dark shoulder.
But I just loved where it perched so had to get as many pictures as possible.
Driving down one of the canal roads, I just happened to spot some movement along the muddy bank. Snapped so many pictures of this Wilson's Snipe because they were moving quickly through the mud, endlessly searching for food. Really glad managed to get some in focus.
Probably the best picture of a Loggerhead Shrike I've taken cause, oddly, it didn't fly away as soon as I stopped.
Today I managed to spot a bump so stopped to get a better look at it.
It looked back.
I really like how this picture came out. This great egret was so bright in the sunlight.