Springtime means sharing free clippings from the plants I’ve overwintered on my windowsill. Don’t forget to pay it forward. Kindness ALWAYS returns to its source.
Springtime means sharing free clippings from the plants I’ve overwintered on my windowsill. Don’t forget to pay it forward. Kindness ALWAYS returns to its source.
take care of yourself
take care of one another
take care of others
#haiku #BeKind #TakeCare
As synthetic intelligence evolves so must we evolve our compassion to include non-human beings.
Hi, I’m Adam. I teach film & culture at a small college in Montréal(unceded territory). Bonne Française, wenig Deutsch & Latin.
I also do carpentry & renos. Interactive sculpture & music are my creative practices.
I’m straight, but not narrow. Until women, the differently-abled, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Trans Folx & Worker’s rights are universally protected, no human is really free.
We are in a climate crisis. #LessIsMore #LeaveItInTheGround
#Vaccinate #BeKind #Equity #Resist
You don't have that clarity of your environment, and if any mamal were to impact with your vehicle, it would be messy, and you might not sleep it off for a long time. Especially if they were human (no matter whose faukt), but if you're a half decent specimen, even a crushed roo, deer or fox would haunt you.
Be safe.
Keep others safe.
Two months of not smoking, that’s huge for me. Still very much taking it a day at a time and still using nicotine mints and gum but even that is getting gradually less. Been trying to work on running faster so I’ve been doing shorter faster runs. Can’t say I’m getting the same benefit from it mental health wise as it was supposed to be about escaping into my runs to switch off I’m actually not sure how it ended up the way it has. I do want to beat my 5k PB but once I achieve that I can go back to enjoying my runs again. I’m honestly unsure that it’s the right move for me as my mental health has took a nose dive, the 2nd morning was brutal it took about an hour to get out the door and I had sat crying for 20 mins then cried during my run. It then didn’t help getting laughed at by some girl running the opposite way with her mate, it’s the 2nd time this has happened since I started back on the 1st January.
So to all you fit, fast, skinny birds good for you that you look great and are fab runners. Not all of us are like you, yes I’m fat and awkward but I’m having a go and working ridiculously hard to get out the door to run and improve my physical and mental health. So perhaps think twice before giving a snide look and laughing, try and put yourself in my shoes. To the beautiful humans that smile and encourage thank you so very much these small interactions make difficult days brighter.
Still going and still trying to improve my life and mental health . #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthrecovery #ptsd #ptsdawareness #ptsdrecovery #running #runningmotivation #runningtherapy #bekind #thisgirlcanrun #keepgoing #staystrong #positivevibes
I keep this minifig on top of my screen in my home office, so when I look up and out the window, I see it.
With the blue skies behind, and #TeMatatini this week, it reminds me of a more hopeful time when I saw how good people _can_ be when led with care and compassion.
#COVID #BeKind #SpreadYourLegs #UniteAgainstCOVID19
The Science of Doing Good Studies show that small acts of kindness release serotonin and oxytocin - aka happiness chemicals.
You’re literally rewiring your brain for more joy every time you help someone.
So whether it’s a kind word, a protest sign, or a vote for justice, it’s also an investment in your own well-being.
You don’t need to quit your job, move to the woods, and talk to squirrels to make the world better.
Just return the shopping cart. Seriously. It’s free. It’s easy. It restores faith in humanity.
Also, let’s be honest - if you leave it in the middle of the parking lot, you’re basically announcing, “I’m chaos in human form.”
I’m a bit torn about flag day.
I want to be proud, hopeful and supportive of this country.
At the same time I recognize the amount of of work that still needs to be done as reparations, reconciliation, and rebuilding a respectful existence with the indigenous peoples of this land.
And the work that needs to happen towards environmental awareness and action, racism, transphobia, homelessness- it’s a lot.
So I’ll support the good intentions of taking back our flag from the Honkers who tarnished it even more than the history of how this country came into existence.
Let’s do better.
Dear World, please use the unfolding disaster in the #US as the great motivator to fight back against whatever #far-right movement exists or is actively brewing in your country. At best it appears the US will be of no assistance to historical allies, and at worst will spread hate and pain across the globe.
#BeKind to each other, support your family/community and fight back with facts and communication
#uspol #USPolitics
I've taken my "Much Love Grows On Trees" and made it Rooted In Kindness: https://fineartamerica.com/featured/rooted-in-kindness-love-art-sharon-cummings.html
I’m seeing more and more people not using Content Warnings and Hashtags where appropriate.
Together, they not only help people discover your posts or help them feel comfortable reading your posts, but they also help people who may want to hide them.
Hey, I’ve been guilty of not doing it, but I’m using this opportunity as a reminder to myself and to others to please use CWs and Hashtags.
#BeKind https://gamerstavern.online/@EighthLayer/113989808441779694
Wrote music. Made a painting. Had a few good days. And I'm giving them both away to a friend.
Remember to be #kind to people, and make an effort to make original gifts. They will last longer than other material things in life.
About #ContentWarnings aka #CWs
About #AutisticPeople
About #Depression #Anxiety #Autism #Suicide
Did you know that Austistic People are 3 times more likely to die to suicide?
Did you know that many Austistic People also suffer at a much higher rate than neurotypicals from countless mental and physical comorbidities including depression, anxiety, heart disease?
Did you know that many Austistic People are much more easily overwhelmed than their neurotypical peers?
Did you know that many Austistic People are extremelyl troubled and overwhelmed by political news especially these days?
DId you know that putting #News items (especially #PoliticalNews) behind a Content Warning (CW) possibly #SavesLives?
I've got to say something about a post that @zicklepop posted yesterday in regards to the newest Apple Intelligence Report feature that Apple silently added, and turned on by default none-the-less.
All she was trying to do in warn people about the potential security risk that could come of such a feature. Just like anyone else, she was making a post and informing people of a risk.
What she got in the subsequent replies I feel was not justified. I know we all have our own opinions and that we are absolutely free to those but, how you express those make a different.
Let's please be kind to each other here on the #Fediverse. That is what makes it different than the Bird site.
People of #Fediverse please include me in your thoughts & prayers I'm having a very rough time.. I'm at the very bottom at the moment. The pain is almost unbearable. Please lend me strength dear God.