I started this mastodon account yesterday as a fresh start and a blank slate. I do not have an interest in seeing politics, hateful posts, or anything negative and impure. I am here for love, compassion, and mindfulness. If you have any interest in #Shinto #Buddhism #JapaneseBuddhism #Mindfulness #Meditation #Betterment #MentalHealth #MensMentalHealth #Sobriety or any similar concepts, please give this post a favorite, or me a follow so I can follow back.
I want to cultivate a timeline full of respect, unity, love, and compassion.
@Kosei I highly recommend using filters to keep your timeline the way you want it.
@Kosei You might want to go to Preferences > Filters now and set up some filters on keywords/subjects you don't want. Welcome to Mastodon
@vegdc thanks for the tip!
@Kosei @Tattooed_Mummy you’ll also want to cultivate a good set of keyword filters if you don’t want to see any politics
Good luck!
@Kosei I follow some cool artists here that bring me some peace and joy. Maybe it will for you too...
@Kosei Like Shunryu Suzuki Roshi: said, "Not always so."
Welcome, friend.