In this week's Top 5:
-The governor fighting to kill
-A contaminated building site
-The honesty of Bella Ramsey
-The real Texas-Mexico border
-Gambling for show
In this week's Top 5:
-The governor fighting to kill
-A contaminated building site
-The honesty of Bella Ramsey
-The real Texas-Mexico border
-Gambling for show
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ENTERTAINING BIOGRAPHY OF PIONEERING stunt performer and silent film action star Helen Gibson combines solid research on the early days of Hollywood with a breezy, chatty tone. B PLUS
Contract signed for my third children's picture book! Watch this space...
In the meantime, check out my first two offerings! (Co-author: Jonathan Emmett,
Illustrators: Adam Larkum and Stieven Van der Poorten, Publisher: UCLan)
Becoming Beauvoir by Kate Kirkpatrick, 2019
A symbol of liberated womanhood, Simone de Beauvoir's unconventional relationships inspired and scandalised her generation. A philosopher, writer, and feminist icon, she won prestigious literary prizes and transformed the way we think about gender with The Second Sex. But despite her successes, she wondered if she had sold herself short.
Buddhist Ethics: A Very Short Introduction by Damien Keown, 2005
Damien Keown illustrates how Buddhism might approach a range of fascinating moral issues ranging from abortion and suicide to cloning.
A Balcony Over Jerusalem by John Lyons, 2017
A gripping memoir of life in Jerusalem from one of Australia's most experienced Middle East correspondents.
Five stars:
How to Draw the World: Harold and the Purple Crayon and the Making of a Children's Classic by Philip Nel (2024) is an in depth reading and history of Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson (1955).
Political Jouissance by Slavoj Žižek, 2024
When we oppose or disagree with something important, do we ever really do it dispassionately? Isn't setting the world to rights or condemning a political opponent always done with a hint of relish, or at least enthusiasm? This book's challenging essays explore the modes in which that transgressive pleasure of political 'jouissance' operates.
Above the Noise (
) #Autobiography #Nba #Nonfiction #Sports
From one of the most outspoken and respected NBA athletes comes a groundbreaking and remarkable memoir chronicling a very public struggle with depression, in the hopes that other young men will not suffer alone."As men, and especially Black men, we don’t talk about our mental health enough. We struggle to admit when things aren’t okay, even when it’s obvious to everybody...
Five Books: The Best Books On Everything
We ask experts to recommend the five best books in their subject and explain their selection in an interview.
This site has an archive of more than one thousand seven hundred interviews or eight thousand book recommendations. We publish at least two new interviews per week.
“Europe and the Roma: A History of Fascination and Fear”, by Klaus-Michael Bogdal, Penguin, 2023.
“This remarkable book describes a dark side of European history: the rejection of the Roma from their initial arrival in the late Middle Ages to the present day. To Europeans, the Roma appeared to be in complete contradiction with their own culture, because of their mysterious origins, unknown language and way of life.”
Insect Conservation: A Global Synthesis by Michael J Samways, 2019
Insects do not live in isolation. They interact with the abiotic environment and are major components of the terrestrial and freshwater biotic milieus. They are crucial to so many ecosystem processes and are the warp and weft of all terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems that are not permanently frozen.
YAY! this #MUSTREAD #book just arrived in the mail about an hour ago, thanks to author, Henry Gee's, help
now i too get to read what everyone is else is talking about!
#evolution #nonFiction #Science #extinction #books
A Natural History of Insects in 100 Limericks by Richard Jones, 2021
Insects are often overlooked because they are small or ignored because they are deemed trivial, and many are dismissed as nuisance pests. But their numbers and diversity are mind-numbing, and under even a modest hand lens they are beautiful or bizarre. Insects dominate the centre ground of all terrestrial and most aquatic ecosystems.
"Disgust is a gut reaction, but it’s also highly sensitive to our beliefs about the food in question." —Alexandra Plakias for Aeon
36th: Rick Atkinson’s fascinating, thrilling, and exhaustive The British are Coming which charts the American Revolution from 1775 with Lexington to January of 1777. Atkinson weaves the story of America’s early struggles using letters, diaries, and maps. A great read to know more about the Revolution and how brave it was for the colonists to wage war at the time. #books #nonfiction #americanrevolution
BOOK REVIEW - Picnic on Craggy Island #books #booksky #fatherted #sitcom #comedy #Ireland #books #review #nonfiction
Propaganda Blitz: How the Corporate Media Distort Reality by David Edwards & David Cromwell, 2018
Propaganda Blitz shows that the corporate media does not just 'spin' the news - it fundamentally distorts everything it touches, hiding the real issues from public view, and often completely reversing the truth.