JUDAS PRIEST's IAN HILL On Remixed And Remastered Version Of 'Rocka Rolla': 'It's Been A Long Time Coming'
JUDAS PRIEST's IAN HILL On Remixed And Remastered Version Of 'Rocka Rolla': 'It's Been A Long Time Coming'
JUDAS PRIEST's IAN HILL: 'Not A Day Goes By Where I Don't Give Thanks To Be Able To Do What I Do For A Living'
IAN HILL Says JUDAS PRIEST's Remixed Rock Rolla Album Is "Only A Few Weeks Away"
IAN HILL Says Remixed Version Of JUDAS PRIEST's 'Rocka Rolla' Is On The Way: 'It's Finally Got The Production It's Always Needed'
JUDAS PRIEST's IAN HILL: RICHIE FAULKNER Has 'Breathed New Life Into The Band'
JUDAS PRIEST's IAN HILL Weighs In On Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Music
In a new interview with Elena Rosberg of Radiocast BG, JUDAS PRIEST bassist Ian Hill was asked how he thinks heavy metal music and the metal community can combat the negative effects of artificial intelligence in music, particularly as it relates to the creative process. Hill responded...
IAN HILL Says JUDAS PRIEST Are "Grateful" To RICHIE FAULKNER For Giving The Band "A More Modern Angle" On Invincible Shield Album; Video
JUDAS PRIEST's IAN HILL: 'People Have Been Trying To Kill Heavy Metal Now For About 35, 40 Years'
Watch 4K Video Of JUDAS PRIEST's Kraków Concert During 2024 'Metal Masters' Tour
IAN HILL Names His 'All-Time Favorite' JUDAS PRIEST Song
In a new appearance on The Break Down With Nath & Johnny podcast, JUDAS PRIEST bassist Ian Hill was asked who in the band has the final say when it comes to picking a setlist for the PRIEST live shows. He responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "Well, it is probably Rob [Halford, PRIEST...
JUDAS PRIEST's IAN HILL On Possibility Of Playing With K.K. DOWNING Again: 'I Think He's Gone A Bit Too Far For That Now'
JUDAS PRIEST's IAN HILL Is Not Interested In Writing His Autobiography