@mdmrn @trankten @neatchee @chikorita157 already had them blocked
@mdmrn @trankten @neatchee @chikorita157 already had them blocked
@chrisod I love Selena Gomez! As a person and actor. Her music is not my thing, but she seems awesome.
"Selena Gomez’s New Single Misses No. 1 — Losing To A Heavy Metal Band"
Good morning.
@LikeItOrLumpIt Hey it's still morning!
Top albums • Mar 9 – 15 • jcrabapple
1. Sleep Token — Emergence
2. Sleep Token — Take Me Back to Eden
3. Spiritbox — TSUNAMI SEA
4. Poppy — Negative Spaces
5. Live — Mental Jewelry
6. Live — Throwing Copper (25th Anniversary)
8. Neve — Neve
9. Ad Infinitum — Abyss
Top artists • Mar 9 – 15 • jcrabapple
1. Sleep Token
2. Spiritbox
3. Live
4. Poppy
5. Ankor
6. Bilmuri
7. Bad Omens
8. breakk.away
9. Harbour
Good morning!
@Ronnie @gavgraham Health is good.
So is Loathe.
@wq Coolest record packaging for sure.
@Ronnie I like more eclectic stuff, hence my love for Sleep Token. They're everything I love about music.
@Ronnie A little bit goth, a little bit prog, a little bit metal, pop, R&B. A little of everything. And the aesthetic and lore...
Android's Linux Terminal app adds tabs so you can multitask more easily - Android Authority
@Ronnie they're incredibly special!
I love seeing the overwhelmingly super positive opinions on the new Sleep Token song. They're a one in a lifetime band and I am so happy that they make music.
Just got back from the lacrosse tournament. This is our youngest daughter's first time playing lacrosse, and her first team sport in general. They were 1-2 in today's 3-game tournament, but they had fun and she's learning a lot. We are very proud of her.
Currently freezing to death at the lacrosse tournament.