@jcrabapple @TheBreadmonkey How are you finding Kagi? I think I last used it at a previous company for some project, but that was about 2 years ago now.
@governorkeagan @TheBreadmonkey I love it and advocate for it. It's the way a search engine should be. It's like Google when Google was good, but it's private and more customizable.
@jcrabapple @governorkeagan @TheBreadmonkey 100% agree. And it doesn‘t offer you any sponsored content, your top search result is always the most relevant to you, and not the one that some company paid most for for your search terms.
I actually like that it integrates AI :-).
@Mastokarl @governorkeagan @TheBreadmonkey they do "AI" in a really smart way. Out of the way and completely optional.