This is all kinds of fucked up #moco #takomapark #takomaparkmd
Is there some dissonance here?
The general public cannot sue a public official for acts in the official completion of their duties, and...
A person holding an elected public position being able to sue a member of the public that ridicules their acts in office.
Now, I must assume that a part of Ryan Miner's official duties was to stick his head out of a hole in the ground. About which, I must say, it's refreshing to see a politician not poking his head INTO a hole in the ground. However, if he is indeed a "shit-head" as stated, I question the character of the hole.
The dude is an arrested adolescent and a first class schmuck, but he doesn't deserve this. It is a flat out abuse of the legal system. I hope it is ended soon and the people who created this abuse of the legal system are punished.
@vegdc I don’t agree with your characterization of Eric Saul at all. The only schmucks here are Ryan Miner and the liberty stomping fascists at the Montgomery County Sherrif’s Office who signed off on this.