I love seeing the overwhelmingly super positive opinions on the new Sleep Token song. They're a one in a lifetime band and I am so happy that they make music.
@jcrabapple I guess I need to listen to more. I found it ok but nothing special.
@Ronnie they're incredibly special!
@jcrabapple I just listened to four more songs and while I can understand why people like them, they aren’t for me. There is definitely nothing off putting about them however. I love that people have so many different choices in music and we all like such different styles.
@jcrabapple I think my daughter might like them. I’ll see if she’s ever listened to them. They have a goth feel.
@Ronnie A little bit goth, a little bit prog, a little bit metal, pop, R&B. A little of everything. And the aesthetic and lore...
@jcrabapple yeah I was reading about them. It’s a neat conceit for sure. I like my goth a little more metal, read Type O Negative.
@Ronnie @jcrabapple if you like Type O, have you listened to Health much?
@Ronnie @gavgraham Health is good.
So is Loathe.