interview with Oliver Assouly The economic conversion of creativity and taste… (better version) #philosophy #taste #politics
interview with Oliver Assouly The economic conversion of creativity and taste… (better version) #philosophy #taste #politics
Women cannot always love men who love them, but they always admire their taste.
Minna Antrim (1861-1950) American epigrammatist, writer
Sweethearts and Beaux (1905)
Sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #appreciation #love #unrequitedlove #returnedlove #taste
10 nutritious Broccoli dishes packed with fiber & iron for a light dinner #BroccoliDinnerDishes #BroccoliDishes #EasyDinnerDishesWithBroccoli #food #FoodNews #health #IronRichBroccoliDishes #RecipeTopics #Recipes #taste
8 Foods that are naturally loaded with proteins – Recipes #food #FoodNews #health #news #nutrition #taste
How to make Churma Ladoo for Maha Shivratri puja #food #FoodNews #health #ladoo #RecipeTopics #Recipes #taste
All luxury corrupts either the morals or the taste.
[Tout luxe corrompt ou les mœurs ou le goût.]
Joseph Joubert (1754-1824) French moralist, philosopher, essayist, poet
Pensées [Thoughts], ch. 16 “Des Mœurs publiques et privées; du Caractère des Nations [On Morality and the Character of Nations],” ¶ 38 (1850 ed.) [tr. Calvert (1866), ch. 12]
Sourcing, notes, alternate translations:…
#quote #quotes #quotation #behavior #conduct #corruption #excess #extravagance #gluttony #immorality #indulgence #luxury #morals #overindulgence #taste #wealth
Eat with Love: Valentine’s Day Dining Spots to Try | Taste of Key Biscayne ##MIAMI #boater #CostaMedBistroAndWine #dining #kebo #KeyBiscayne #LaScala #lightkeepeers #milanezza #novecento #taste #TasteOfKb #TasteOfKeyBiscayne #TheCleat #TheGoldenHog #Valentine'sDay
Today at lunch I came across this beautiful place in Milan: Hygge where I ate really well and the welcome was no less. Essential place furnished with taste and very pleasant for a breakfast or lunch. I highly recommend and stay tuned because soon you will see some beautiful things
Nothing is more frightful than imagination without taste.
[Es ist nichts furchterlicher als Einbildungskraft ohne Geschmack.]
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, statesman, scientist
Sprüche in Prosa: Maximen und Reflexionen [Proverbs in Prose: Maxims and Reflections] (1833) [tr. Saunders (1893), #489]
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Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.
-- H. L. Mencken
Analogue paneer in the market! 6 ways to identify it and stay safe #AnaloguePaneer #Cooking #CookingTopics #food #FoodNews #health #HowToIdentifyAnaloguePaneer #Paneer #SideEffectsOfFakePaneer #taste
Here's Taste at the Isle of Wight festival, with Rory Gallagher showing us what the electric guitar is for:
Can you imagine being at this festival, with this, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Joni Mitchell....?
##Brain scans of people who’ve had #SARS-CoV-2 show a pattern of brain shrinkage that is distinct from normal aging. The orbitofrontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus are the regions most likely to be affected post-#infection.
The ORBITAL FRONTAL CORTEX generates much interest because of some of the roles it is speculated to play in higher-order cognition, such as #DecisionMaking . It connects other regions of the brain to the sensory regions, #memory, and #emotion centers. Notable in #covid infections, this part of the brain processes #taste and #smell perception.
Cognitive functions usually associated with the orbitofrontal cortex include:
- Affective responses (emotional reactions)
- Decision making
- Impulse control
Damage to the orbitofrontal cortex may cause changes in social #behavior (how you interact with others and situations), decision making, and #personality.
People with damage to the orbitofrontal cortex may show -
- Aggression
- Childish conduct
- Disinhibition
- Apathy
- Risky behavior
and LESS:
- #Motivation
- #Empathy / concern and for others
- Impulse control
Damage to the orbitalfrontal cortex may alter how the body reacts to emotions, leading to impulsivity and bad judgment. For instance, when making a bold decision, healthy patients exhibit physical symptoms of worry, such as sweaty palms. Patients with injury to the orbitofrontal cortex, however, did not.
Studies show that the orbitalfrontal cortex aids in forecasting decisions based on experience. If this part of the brain is damaged, people may make bad choices even though they are aware of the consequences.
ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, some people find that the changes in their brain make them feel happier, unnhibited, less prone to worry, and more animated.
Lest you think that umami is mainly an "Asian" food thing, understand that this is a taste response to foods everywhere - the synergy between glutamate and inosinate (and/or guanylate) too
Here's an illustration ( from the excellent website with a ton of info; scroll down to synergy for this pic - )
In case you know of umami but don't know about differences in response to glutamate (there's a lot in kombu) and inosinate (there's a lot in katsuoboshi) and guanylate (there's a lot in shiitake, especially dried) - know that there is a synergy between these.
Hence my mixing of the 3 for the dashi <technically 2 would have been ok>
Here's a good review article
"Sexual Failure Decreases Sweet Taste Perception in Male Drosophila via Dopaminergic Signaling"
#Metabolism #Drosophila #Behaviour #Sensory
Children’s cooking class at J inspires talent, taste #Children’sCookingClassAtJInspiresTalent #Cooking #taste