I have PikaPods host my audiobook shelf and I just increase resources when I need them. Thinking about opening up mine to others but no easy way for others to cover costs so for now it's just me, but well worth it! https://www.pikapods.com/apps #SelfHost #SelfHosting @hollie @pink
Starting a business is like death by 1000 paper cuts. It seems like everything you need/want to do has a monthly fee.
There are just so many different services to pay for and it just gets to be pretty expensive.
I am just going to go as FOSS as much as possible so I can self-host to reduce as many costs as I can.
This Week in Self-Hosted (14 March 2025)
@homeassistant #Matter support, software updates and launches, a spotlight on #Cups -- a #container update monitoring platform, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!
It lives, and includes pain.
But _ViewStart, Layouts and all this good stuff works just fine.
Keeping PeerTube Storage Under Control
I can’t stand #Joplin UI decisions. Joplin is good in terms of features, but the UI is crap. Both, desktop and mobile.
#selfhosted #selfhosting #selfhost #homelab
seems my #introduction didn't migrate so here we are.
hello. i used to be on fosstodon at @jabster28@fosstodon.org, but running my own seemed fun so now i'm on my own #sharkey instance at mace.lol
i'm currently in university for a computer science degree (no i won't be homeless.). i do a lot of #programming and like to mess around with general #devops stuff (containerisation and networking mostly) in my free time, a lot of my mini projects revolve around automating this or that and making it work with everything else i have in my own ecosystem.
i #selfhost a lot of services for ephemeral file sharing and password management etc.
my main languages are #javascript / #typescript and #rust but i've been wanting to learn some #cpp or c# recently (i don't always want a program that's 1000% correct, cargo.)
(also css is genuinely an a tier language. insanely fit for purpose.)
i do some #networking and find it pretty fun mostly
i play a lot of #splatoon in my free time. i'm also fond of #mahjong, #minesweeper, and #tetris (modern tetris (usually techmino), not the official app) to sink my time into if i'm on my phone or something.
some more stuff i'm into that's probably more fringe:
#wikipedia editing is pretty fun, though it's rare that i'll get a chance to correct/add to an article that i know about and can source. doing coi requests is cool, though, you see some really interesting people
i'd love to be able to do #cooking faster but i feel that's only possible with enough time or money to cook when you don't need to (i have neither)
#libraries are really cool and i'd love to go to more of them and document them. working at one seems fun also
slightly related but i wouldn't mind getting better at #photography at some point (maybe make a pixelfed account?)
my only major political stance on here would probably be that #privacy is a fundamental human right, and a lot of things online right now don't let you control that as well as you should
i guess that leads into me liking #monero, there's not many other ways you can transfer wealth to someone without anyone else snooping. no, b*tcoin doesn't count, it's simply not fit for purpose.
that also goes into #cryptography i suppose. the mathematics inside things like ecdh is pretty beautiful. one of the reasons i'm going to university is to eventually be able to fully understand elliptic curves and a lot of the cryptography we use nowadays.
that's it, thanks for coming to my ted talk. make sure to smash that like button, subscribe, and hit the red bell to get notifications when i upload. also be sure to donate to my patreon and ko-fi, link's in the description. you can also buy the product from this video's spons-
okay i'm done
you should do a random act of kindness today. maybe tomorrow. or not, i'm not your mom.
Well isn't that some shit! I have some #shelly plugs in the #homelab that have been acting funny! Saw the time wouldn't update so my schedules of turn off and on switches were broken!.. Chalked it up to maybe it got fried! Anyway by circumstance I was looking my #Victoria log instance that I never do and saw that there were these 2 ip's trying to reach out to an old dns server! Firewall logs working I see!! Set this up and never did look back at it. Anyway, the fuck could that be! nmap'd the thing and found out it port 80 was open!
Got you mothafucka! It was the shelly plugs.. Then that, I'm a fucking idiot light bulb came on. I didn't update the DNS settings for the static ip's I set for my shelly plugs, which couldn't resolves the time server address, which mans I couldn't get the time, which means I broke my fucking shelly plugs!
Hey guys, I'm new to #selfhosting #selfhost
I have this hardware:
I would suggest anyone with the slightest interest in #tech to go buy a #RaspberryPi! It doesn't really matter what model though if you can the Raspberry Pi 4/5 are the best choices.
Just having one unlocks the ability to #selfhost your own services at home!
This Week in Self-Hosted (7 March 2025)
New personal finance and #budgeting apps, software updates and launches, a spotlight on #SimpleHomelab, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!
The Nextcloud instance from Hetzner that I use comes with 1TB(!) of storage for just 5€/mo, including backups etc. That’s quite acceptable :) And yes, I am very aware of the fact that storing data encrypted in Nextcloud needs a few additional steps. And yes, other companies make similar offers. And yes, you can absolutely #selfhost too but that’s not the point of this thread. It’s about moving your contact list away from Apple to an open source solution, enabled by open standards.
I recently shared a hardware troubleshooting story I thought was simple .. but you know hardware --> it's never simple ;-)
Upgraded my Mastodon instances to v4.3.4 from v4.3.2 finally.
With containers it's relatively painless.
That said, I really would like the Mastodon admin interface have settings for post lengths and number of poll items.
It's a bit of a pain to vet and correct whether ./app/javascript/mastodon/features/compose/containers/compose_form_container.js, ./app/validators/status_length_validator.rb, and ./app/validators/poll* need to be changed/updated/migrated for every new minor release. Not a big deal, truly, but it is something to fat finger and something else to track in your environment.
Mastodon is fabulous and complex but a little addition like this would go a long way to ease admin burdens.
cc: @Gargron
Trying out #deltachat ( @delta ), and I'm really liking it so far! It is the first alternative messaging app that may pry me away from Signal. Especially once I'm able to #selfhost a chatmail server. The hard part, as always, will be getting other people to use it.