Testimonials on my website from people whose writing I've copy-edited or proofread: https://stancarey.com/testimonials/
If this is something you're interested in getting done, I'd love to hear from you.
Testimonials on my website from people whose writing I've copy-edited or proofread: https://stancarey.com/testimonials/
If this is something you're interested in getting done, I'd love to hear from you.
I wish #McGillUniversity had reached out to me … I wish more people would reach out to professional #linguist #translator #reviser #editor #proofreader Living in #MTL, a city where many say they are #bilingual leads, too often, to bypassing #language professionals.
Freelance copyeditor and proofreader since 1980s. Med/pharma, university press titles, trade books. Editorial Freelancers Association member. AO3/TWC volunteer. (Formerly Home.social.)
Presently sharing space with Hanbyeol and Jiji, a pair of nonsocial South Korean cats.
New #intro post for this instance!
Hi! I'm Aelaith, a shy #ActuallyAutistic witch and giant horror nerd! Though I've recently learned my favorite genre is "elevated horror" which makes me feel pretentious lol. Currently working on becoming #SelfEmployed as a #freelance #proofreader #editor!
Very into #Pathfinder and #DeltaGreen and other ttrpgs. Other special interest is #TwinPeaks!
I can't guarantee I'll post much, I've never been good at interactions but I'm here :)
#songwriter / #musician: musical influences include #folk, #classical, #prog, #rock, and #gamelan. I play #viola, #violin, #keyboards, and #recorder, and I sing.
Also a freelance academic #copyeditor and #proofreader, mainly in #science and #arthistory.
Other interests: #drawing, attempting to learn #photography.
I’ve been hiding offline for several years and am trying to re-incorporate social media into my life gently and slowly, so posts/replies may be intermittent.
Hi, I'm Kym (aka Seirff) - an always cold fire #dragon.
Work: #Freelance #techwriter with a computer science degree, #ghostwriter, #editor & #proofreader, #translator (DE>EN), & occasional #ESL teacher.
Open for new clients!
Where: Living in #Leipzig, Germany, after a short stay in #Fukushima, Japan. Originally from #Melbourne, Australia.
Owned by two big fluffy Maine Coon #cats, whose fur is the bane of my existence.
The rooftop balcony is where I grow as much food as possible with a black thumb - #gardening. This features in my YouTube channel.
Eternally curious, I share my learning process with #Patreon members.
Many hobbies - #languages, #art, #piano, #cello, #guitar, #gaming, #sewing, #xstitch, #tapestry, #yarn crafts like #crochet, #knitting, #weaving & a #spinning wheel.
Also occasionally #3dPrinting & #MiniPainting.
Gentle persistence is my mantra - #spondyloarthritis / #PsoriaticArthritis, #endometriosis, complex #PTSD, #BreastCancer survivor, #migraine monster - a collection of #ChronicIllness. I rant about the health system and incompetent doctors. #spoonie
I want to read your toots, not go down the boost content rabbit hole.
Hi there! I am a longtime #copyeditor and #proofreader with a background in journalism and trade publishing. Although I specialize in children’s and young adult fiction and nonfiction books, I have also worked on fiction and nonfiction titles for adults. I am a member of the Advisory Council of Conscious Style Guide.
I’m also a proud mom of a preschooler and a not-as-proud wrangler of two #cats. In my nonexistent free time, I really need to pick some wall paint colors.
Hi, I'm Nicolas Folliot, #graphicdesigner, #layoutartist, #proofreader, #editor and other stuff in #publishing, #games (especially #ttrpg) and #communication.
Otherwise I'm also, in no particular order, a #comics & #TVshows buff, #dad, #guitarist, #leftist, #ally, straight cis white bearded male with a bald spot cliché.
In the physical world I live since 2021 in #Givry (oui en #France).
I put links in my bio, but everything should be gathered here: http://nicolas.folliot.net/en.html