"when *you* have a baby, then we can be friends" - shari franke's mother to her (when shari was still a child)
from shari franke's book "The House of My Mother" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbhQ0XwAkrA
"when *you* have a baby, then we can be friends" - shari franke's mother to her (when shari was still a child)
from shari franke's book "The House of My Mother" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbhQ0XwAkrA
...pls share widely, "like", etc. FYI: most media outlets wouldn't have allowed me publish this piece as is. so if you appreciate that I make essays like this freely available online, please consider supporting me on Patreon for as little as $1/month!
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NEW ESSAY! about last week's White Lotus episode & misconceptions about "autogynephilia," but mostly about "gender critical/TERF rhetoric & their bizarre "grand unified theory" of transness...
on Medium (friend link): https://juliaserano.medium.com/the-white-lotus-terfs-and-autogynephilia-as-a-floating-signifier-5399e0934285?sk=3474017489832be14f437aa30a8cc6b5
& Substack (no paywall): https://juliaserano.substack.com/p/the-white-lotus-terfs-and-autogynephilia
#trans #transgender #LGBTQ #lgbtqia #feminism #psychology #gender #sexuality #science
Feminist is vegan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s17PNdjWMk
What do we think UKGOV will do?
Ban Smartphones or start a conversation about Empathy and Respect?
Ban Smartphones it is!
Fascism and 'Healthy Relationships' do not go together, and No 10 has chosen Fascism for us, ...for a trade deal....
This week I've been mainly reading, no. 219.
Evie Wyld's partial ghost story, The Bass Rock (2020) is really a tale of the violence that men do to women & how they can and do resist. Its full of extraordinary moments but is also at times deeply shocking, even while being a fiction. That said, the writing is fluid & the stories well told, so well worth reading as piece of (possibly) Scottish Gothic (?)
A feminist argument against weakening encryption | Light Blue Touchpaper
Welp I ended up deleting the series yesterday, before reaching the end of S4. The reason being the romance between a woman in her mid 20s and a kid who isn't 18 yet. Even if the kid is supposed to be 18 it's not acceptable.
I don't know what the showrunners were fucking thinking but it's not OK to glorify this kind of thing.
When that shit started I couldn't stand it any longer and deleted it from my list and continue watching.
Even wanting to see more of the alien biotech concept couldn't keep my attention after that.
Lasst sie selbst die Gewalt spüren, welche sie täglich verbreiten.
G.L.O.S.S. was a rad trans-feminist punk band. This is “G.L.O.S.S. (We’re from the Future).”
Opening lyrics:
They told us we were girls
How we talk, dress, look, and cry
They told us we were girls
So we claimed our female lives
Now they tell us we aren’t girls
Our femininity doesn’t fit
We’re fucking future girls
Living outside society’s shit
(Inspired by @SrRochardBunson’s antifascist music thread.)
I saw a feminist video yesterday that made me see something I can't now unsee. That zombie apocalypse genre is white supremacist. Making a whole class of subhumans so that the (usually white, cishet) protagonists can take what they want when they want it and slaughter the subhumans by whatever means desired, violently.
I've always seen it as an allegory for capitalism. The zombies have sped up from the shamblers of Night of the Living Dead as we've accelerated ecosystem destruction. Now there's another layer.
It's the same with the show I've been watching on Max, Falling Skies (circa 2011-2016). I'm pushing through it because I like post apocalypse stories (civilization has finally fallen so the natural world can regenerate--hooray!) but it's such a patriarchal, white supremacist show that I'm spending most of my time grumbling at it while I note the many ways in which it's fucked up.
The main character (a cishet white man, and intellectual history professor) and his three sons, plus his father figure (commander in the militia he belongs to after alien invasion) are the only characters with any depth. Everyone else is an NPC. They kill off people of color willy-nilly (starting with black men), and white women also including the prof's own daughter end up being just two dimensional plot devices, vehicles for showing the suffering and heroics of the leading men.
I'm almost to the end of it and nearly turned it off for good last night because of a plot line in which the eldest son's girlfriend is badly wounded and they want to infect her with alien biotech to save her. She clearly and plainly told him no, she didn't want that in her and he had to let her go. So he lied to the doctor and they infected her anyway. A clear violation of consent because he "just couldn't do it" selfishly. After she miraculously recovered, she ended up belting him across the face for doing it against her will then kissed him in thanks for saving her life. The female doctor, a stepmother figure, told him that she'd have done the same for his dad. Making violating consent "romantic" and excusing it.
It's gotten really hard to watch cheap and easy sci-fi and horror because of awareness of the systems of oppression that permeate these offerings and reinforce these fucked up narratives. I'm only interested now because I've only one season out of five to go so I'm probably going to keep watching it and hating it the whole time. Mainly because it's nearly impossible to find anything that isn't this politically awful and I'm not a rom-com person.
If I was younger and had the chops I'd try to write something feminist and anti-racist set in a dystopia, for TV or film. But I don't have it in me to do that anymore and even if I did, there wouldn't be any studio that would make it more likely than not, because the storytelling machine that is the film and TV industry is there to prop up the themes of patriarchy, racism, and the state, not warn us about them.
As per usual I'm barely awake and still ingesting coffee so no doubt there will be multiple edits for clarity and typos.
In the name of the family: Yes, Europe could be headed for a ‘Project 2025’ too.
In almost every election in Europe in recent years, a discreet but increasingly powerful force has been at play to help bolster the far right.
Much like “Project 2025”, a set of ultra-conservative networks are waging a campaign to dismantle European policies and replace them with traditionalist Christian values.
More than ever there is a need to push back really hard against the international coalition of #authoritarian #alphamale #patriarcat that is also pressing really hard to roll back all the progresses of #feminism, especially in the area of sexual and reproductive rights.
But insult and personal attacks of that kind can only encourage them, not scared them. We need to be a lot more vicious than that. We need to attack their discourse where it hurts most and pound hard.
This book sounds absolutely fascinating. Women's uncompensated labour deserves more attention and discussion.
Home Is Where the Unpaid Labor Is | The New Republic
#History #Politics #PoliticalEconomy #Labor #Housework #WagesForHouswork #Feminism #Gender
Thinking about all the spaces I have been pushed out of over the years due to disablism, misogyny, and/or anti-queer hostility... and how similar the operating logics are for each. How many times have I asked people to implement a masks-required policy only to be told that there's no one in attendance who needs that? Well surely, because they won't be able to come until you implement this policy. #MaskUp #StillCoviding #Disability #Queer #Trans #Feminism