The second of a couple of 360⁰ panoramic views from the two main high points of the heather moorland above the escarpment, taken from yesterday's walk. 506m elevation
The second of a couple of 360⁰ panoramic views from the two main high points of the heather moorland above the escarpment, taken from yesterday's walk. 506m elevation
Last in a series of photo posts. Roughly in order of progress, further info in ALT text, 3 posts of 4 photos each
Second in a series of photo posts. Roughly in order of progress, further info in ALT text, 3 posts of 4 photos each
The promised photos from the 18 mile hill walk I took yesterday, on what was a lovely and warm spring day. Roughly in order of progress, beginning once I'd reached the hills, further info in ALT text, 3 posts of 4 photos each
Back from a 12 mile walk up to the highest point in the county at 577m, 1890ft. A few snaps. Anyone fancy a roll in the hay loft? A distance shot of the peak. A large boulder with, if you see the white speck in the farthest distance, home. And the cairn at the peak
Feeling healthy! How's reality before I check? Still fk'ed?
Love to you sweet friendlings #Walking #cymruambyth #Cymru
#BoraDa #Cymraeg #StDavidsDay #CymruAmByth I always try to forget that I am 'accursed perfidious Albion'. It's your ability to feel #hiraeth I would love to share. Especially on day's like today. At the concert with the #WelshGuards and the #PembrokeChoir I cried with joy when you sang #myfanwy after that dirge for Chucky the turd. Proper
@DavidjCrook yep you’re right … but I’m staying #CymruAmByth