Major (5196 B) —
Major (5196 B) —
Internet Archive has a lot of recordings of sound effects records from the 78 rpm era:
I didn't find the legendary Columbia YB-20, but I'm sure it's around
What could metal friction sounds be good for? Squeeling brakes, twisting valves, collapsing structures, other worldly, terrifying creatures? Annoying your girl-friend? I created this grinding, growling, squeaking, rasping lot. Hopefully you find it useful #SoundEffects #ContentCreators #Creatives #FilmMaking #FilmMakers
Please consider supporting my work, activism and desire to emmigrate my GF from the Us to the UK by subscribing to if you're interested in #SoundEffects and #RoyaltyFree music. The subscription is cheap, the content plentiful and that's my affiliate link.
I am looking for boost sound effects for boostagram live app.
I am wondering if the #podcast community have any sounds that they would not mind us using in the open source app? (FULL CREDIT GIVEN)
like the sound effects @adam uses the word BOOST would be a great one.
in our app you can set different sound effect for different amounts, and we keep track of if a wallet has reached 1M sats donated to you and they will get a special SUPER BOOSTER sound effect.
Unpopular Star Trek take, this clip from the TOS series "The Doomsday Machine" is a great bit of suspense, especially the music (which may have inspired the "Jaws" theme), but the sound effect and little cloud of smoke from the broken transporter is unintentionally comic and always undermined the scene for me a bit...
#StarTrek #StarTrekTOS #Suspense #screenMusic #soundEffects #editing
Bubbly Computer Glitches Electronic Bleeps
Bubbly Computer Glitches – Electronic Bleeps – Interference 01 – Device bleeping, computer processing data, radio interference, garbled up electronic oscillator sounds. Cool old computer and electronic equipment sounds. Special sound effects for interface
Scary Cello Harmonics Creepy Horror Sounds
Eerie strings for tension and horror. Scary and creepy sounds and music for thriller, horror, sci-fi, action film and games.
Last of all, our @CultureDesk, which shared the newly available @BBCNews sound effects archive (it’s free for non-commercial use). 73 results for plane; just the two farts. Happy Friday!
Big Braam Jump Scare Impact 01 Cinematic Hits & Booms. Huge and powerful cinematic braaam hit. Big orchestral impact for jump scare scenes. Trailer hit. Braam sounds. Big brass hit. Scary Halloween sounds and music. Game audio.
Cool news for music makers, radio folks, podcasters, or anyone who just likes funny noises: The BBC's entire catalog of sound effects, from a Boeing 747 landing to a female reindeer grunting, is now available online (they're free to download and use, but not for commercial purposes). Check out the library here:
#SoundEffects #BBC #Music #MusicMaking #Radio #Podcasting
ICYMI, we've also federated the Beeb's @Flipboard account — check it out here: @BBCNews.
Remember The Lion King? It turns out the sound of lions growling were not lions at all, but instead it was voice actor Frank Welker growling into a metal trash can.
"From Awooga to Whistling Wind"
Pink Fuzzy Bunny posted the rather wonderful USC Optical Sound Effects Library – "Classic movie sound effects on optical and magnetic tape from the 30's to the 80's, all carefully restored, catalogued and posted on the Internet Archive."
Hello, @itsfoss! Any recommendation for buffered #SoundEffects player (not soundboard)?
All these "simple" audio players have a crippling delay at the start of every file operation and don't repeat the sound on demand, so I've had a struggle finding one player that would be nice to short #SFX.
Extra points if it can handle multiple files open (keep each #SoundEffect in memory for fast play).
Weapon Beam Sound Short 09 - Sci-Fi Laser Weapons
Short fuzzy laser weapon sound for sci-fi. Sound effects for science fiction.
#scifi #gameaudio #soundeffects #SFX #laser #gaming #sciencefiction #laserbeam #sounds #darksideofsynth
Old School Magic Wand - Sounds For Fantasy And Sci-Fi (Fantasy, Game Audio)
Wizard waving magic wand for enchantments in fantasy videogames.
100 Self recorded Free Sound effect collection (Yeonggill Soundbank)
Dear Creators!
You've probably been frustrated by
the lack of sound effects in your creations.
Now that I'm an adult, I've learned from that experience,
I'd like to share with you
100+ high-quality, hand-recorded sound effects for free
for free.
Feel free to use them in your TRPG / YouTuber activities.
#효과음 #soundeffects #素材 #フリー素材 #Vtuber素材 #Vtuberフリー素材 #おはようVtuber素材 #著作権フリー #効果音素材 #SE素材
I've made a portfolio of my sound effects work. Will be adding more over time.
#soundesign #SFX #soundeffects