You know what, when Moffat went full Glasgow with Missy and the 12th Doctor, he really should have completed the set with a Glaswegian Davros
Just saying
You know what, when Moffat went full Glasgow with Missy and the 12th Doctor, he really should have completed the set with a Glaswegian Davros
Just saying
Who let the Daleks out??? Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who Who!!!
#WilliamHartnell #PatrickTroughton #JonPertwee #TomBaker #PeterDavison #ColinBaker #SylvesterMcCoy #PaulMcGunn #ChristopherEccleston #DavidTennant #MattSmith #PeterCapaldi
#Daleks #DoctorWho
Before going on to carve out notable careers in the arts, both John Byrne & Peter Capaldi attended the Glasgow School of Art.
In this special event from 2014, the National Galleries of Scotland invited them to discuss acting, writing, life & painting
Let's do an updated #introduction post for my new followers.
Pure panda-monium. Coffee, chaos, and a whole lot of creativity. I'm the host of #PennedPossibilities and #MiniMasterpieces, 31, indie author, podcaster, and #TTRPG game master. A weaver of weird and wonderful tales. Indie published in #DoctorWho zines and more. INFP, word nerd, and daydreamer. I'm also a devout #Heathen and a member of the #Pagan community. Writer of roleplay stories with friends. #PeterCushing and #PeterCapaldi fan, Beethoven aficionado, wrestling lover, and gamer. Non-binary; she/they. LGBT+ AF. (My political account can be found over at @tuckeresque.) #ActuallyAutistic, and surviving AuDHD, OCD, and Multiple Sclerosis. Absolutely against AI (and its theft in regards to artistry) in every way. Also attaching my Nintendo Switch Friend Code as well. (See photo.)
Check out my show, #PandasDen, a paranormal podcast about mediumship, where we share stories and have spirit box sessions with occasional (okay, more than occasional) funny moments. My girlfriend AKA @aperfectsong often joins me.
Soul sister to @Firlefanz and @strangeseawolf.
Discord: floofpaldi
Penned Possibilities Prompts:
Apple TV+ has renewed thriller series "Criminal Record" for a second season. The series stars Peter Capaldi and Cush Jumbo.
#CriminalRecord #PeterCapaldi #CushJumbo #AppleTV #Entertainment #Television #TV #Streaming
#WordWeavers 8.1 — Share three interesting facts about your story or characters.
• I've always envisioned #PeterCapaldi as the face-claim for Alexios.
• I love writing a combo of #cyberpunk and #SFF for this tale.
• There is a character in this story—Fenris—who was written to pay homage to my best friend in the whole world, Anna. (Still trying to get her to join here lol.) We write together a lot. She's my bestie.
• Bonus: I'm at my most comfortable while writing romance.
It is nice to think, that some years down the line, Smith, Capaldi and Whittaker will all end up doing a Multi-Doctor special (trust me, they aaaaaaall come back eventually)
#WritersCoffeeClub 3.2 — Have you ever based a character on a real person? Do they know?
Oh, gosh. Haven't we always? I'll admit this here... In #Unwanted, the MC (whose name is Jeremy O'Leary) is based very loosely on one of my nana's old bosses. The absent minded professor and all that, you know?
But yes, I might base characters on people I know or admire. It happens, sometimes.
@DoctorMonkey2 and @strangeseawolf both know that a lot of my OC's have #PeterCapaldi as a face-claim as well.
1. That time #PeterCapaldi and #MichelleGomez turned #DoctorWho into a show about 2 Glaswegians arguing/flirting for a couple of years
2. The theme tune to #Ironside
3. Portobello Mushroom Burger
Did you know that Peter Capaldi had won an Oscar? As director? His short film 'Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life', starring Richard E. Grant as Kafka, was awarded Best Live Action Short Film in 1995!
Young Again, with Kirsty Young, on BBC Sounds
"The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views." - #TomBaker as #DoctorWho
"Never be cruel, never be cowardly. And never ever eat pears! Hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.
Always try to be nice and never fail to be kind. You mustn't tell anyone your name. No one would understand it anyway... Except children. Children can hear it.
Laugh hard. Run fast. Be kind." - #PeterCapaldi as #TheDoctor
Hello, I have no damn idea what I’m doing here. It’s just weird. I guess this is my #introduction post. I’m #LizWhoFan, I hate Twitter, and I’m not sure I’ll like it here. But I’ll give it a try. I’m a Doctor Who fan looking for other fans who actually like the show and want to celebrate what they love. #doctorwho #thirteenthdoctor #fourteenthdoctor
#tardis #JodieWhittaker #davidtennant #mattsmith #petercapaldi #ncutigatwa #christophereccleston