The fifth planet is 107 million miles out and 12 million years back, so we've no time to lose.
— The Doctor, in “Image of the Fendahl”
The fifth planet is 107 million miles out and 12 million years back, so we've no time to lose.
— The Doctor, in “Image of the Fendahl”
"Oh. Ponchos. The biggest crime against fashion since Lederhosen."
-- Rory
#DoctorWho, S05E07 - Amy's Choice
RIP Simon Fisher-Becker, who played the fabulous Dorium Maldovar in #DoctorWho. #2SLGBTQIA
Not hat people, are you? Either of you?
— The Doctor, in “Frontios”
Además, algunas cosas que me gustan (así, sin orden ni concierto):
#DoctorWho, #GoodOmens, #StarTrek, #Firefly, #JurassicPark, #TheCranberries, #Nightwish, #MitologíaNórdica, #Loki (tanto el mitológico como el de #Marvel), #Miniaturas, #Artesanía (especialmente #Cosmética, #Cuero y #Resina), #numismática, #Impresión3D, #acuariofilia …
Juego a #PokemonGo. #PokemonGoFriends: 0131 3999 8371 (Marino).
The brand new series of #DoctorWho launched twenty(!) years ago.
Back then, some of the reviewers were saying how terrible and childish it was. It was *too* modern!
Here's my review of their review.
The story that reset #DoctorWho and made it a legend in the 70s is the story that killed Doctor Who for me in the 2000s.
You know what, when Moffat went full Glasgow with Missy and the 12th Doctor, he really should have completed the set with a Glaswegian Davros
Just saying
You are incorrigibly meddlesome, Doctor, but we've always felt that your hearts are in the right places.
— The unnamed Time Lord, in “Terror of the Autons”
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Do you know he has an excellent brain, that man... though a little pedestrian. But oh dear, what a bore the fellow is!
— The Master, describing the Doctor, in “The Time Monster”
@notjustbikes it looks bigger on the inside. #tardis #doctorwho
I know he has seen many of his doodles come off the page, but I felt something seeing Dave Gibbons and Pat Mills see their oneshot #ComicBook villain creation the #Meep be brought to life after getting fangirled on by the man himself #DoctorWho