It's fairly quiet on Saturday afternoon in Montana and Wyoming, but it won't stay that way. MUCH stronger wind with heavy mountain snow will begin on Sunday! I'll have your weather forecast tonight!
It's fairly quiet on Saturday afternoon in Montana and Wyoming, but it won't stay that way. MUCH stronger wind with heavy mountain snow will begin on Sunday! I'll have your weather forecast tonight!
Twenty One Pilots singing at sunset on Friday. There are a lot of people "Stressed Out" right now. Have a more relaxing weekend, everyone...
It's a VANtastic day to wash the dirt and salt off your vehicle, now that the snow has stopped and the sun has emerged. I'll have your 7-day weather forecast on KTVQ and MTN tonight!
Outside, it's cold, snowy, and gray, so I put some delicious colors together inside. After I have some of my yummy Skittles water, I'll have your 7-day weather forecast on KTVQ & MTN! (2/2)
Four deer on March 1st, six rabbits on March 3rd, and two ducks on March 5th. Even animals munching and marching on odd March days. I'm still expecting to see eight turkeys on March 7th.
In a follow-up from this morning, a rollover has ironically cleared the scene, and now traffic can continue. Proceed with caution, however.
#Montana #Billings #cat #cats #orangecat #Wednesday #2hourdelay #weather #mtwx #catsofmastodon ##mastodoncats
BREAKING: As the sun rises, we are under a 2-hour delay on this chilly Wednesday due to a warm orange cat under my arm and bedsheets. Stay tuned to this station for further updates. I may have to forecast from here...
I was the first to march forth on March 4th on our latest round of Montana snow on Tuesday. We only had 1-2" this time... much less than before!
Grazing on grass while on the lookout for more snow tonight and tomorrow.
Four deer on Saturday, six rabbits on Monday. Perhaps I'll see eight turkeys on Wednesday. The rabbits are having an easier time now that our 30+" of February snow melted. More snow soon!
Shylo The Weather Cat ain't nobody's fool. She collected all the sunshine she could on Caturday Saturday, because she knows clouds with some rain and snow aren't too far away!
My Saturday workout paused when I saw four deer trotting up the street enjoying today's mild Montana weather. They needed to obey traffic lights and use the crosswalks better, though.
In her shoebox, her favorite shoebox
My lion sleeps tonight
A Caturday Saturday earworm... you're welcome!
I need my favorite Hall & Oates song and a pretty Thursday evening Montana sunset on Friday. February ends today. I'll have your 7-day weather forecast for the first week of March tonight!
The young mountain climbers had waited weeks for a break in the weather, and it finally came... their chance to summit Mount Billingsmanjaro! Two rival climbers leaped from their vehicle at the red light, but they were too late!
As you can see, Google Fit had a LOT of trouble tracking my walk on Monday. You'd think I was skiing or parkour-ing
instead of walking!
The first of the Southern Montana Snoweater's offspring begins to move on now, its belly full, making way for the next hungry dumptruck. It's the circle of life, Simba. Nature truly is amazing.
The first of her four dumptruck young having arrived, the Southern Montana Snoweater begins to eat its snow prey and feed her hungry, growing offspring.
The Southern Montana Snoweater has found her prey and is waiting for her hungry young to catch up before she begins feeding.
Montana is beginning to defrost / thaw
(not "de-thaw" as some might say ).