Though this is an image of #bostonharbor, since it is part of the #atlantic, it fits for #meermittwoch
Ruler of the space
Atlantic puffin, Dyrhólaey Cliff, Southern Region, Iceland
#Atlantic #hurricanes are shifting #south and will threaten regions of North, South & Central #America not prepared for or accustomed to such storms, warns new #climate study: #science #news #weather
Hurricanes shifting south of North Atlantic: Study warns of growing risks for coastal regions
#idw Earth's Orbital Rhythms Link Timing of Giant #Eruptions and #ClimateChange
An international team of scientists has synchronized key #climate records from the #Atlantic and #Pacific Oceans to unravel the sequence of events during the last million years before the extinction of the #dinosaurs at the #Cretaceous/#Paleogene boundary.
Small souvenirs
carry my dreams of the
infinite sea
#DailyHaikuPrompt - shell
#Haiku #SmallPoems #Writing #Atlantic
"Computer simulations show collapse of vital Atlantic current that warms Europe unlikely this century"
Europe deep freeze from Atlantic current collapse unlikely this century, computer simulations show.
The nightmare scenario of Atlantic Ocean currents collapsing, with weather running amok and plunging Europe into a deep freeze, looks unlikely this century, a new study concludes.
Researchers say the results of new computer simulations should be "reassuring" but are no greenlight for complacency.
Fähre vom Punta Delgada nach Punta Espora. Hier überqueren wir die Magalanstraße in Chile. Eine super Überfahrt bei schönem Wellengang.
Die Gischt und die hohen Wellen haben unser Auto völlig eingesalzen.
#argentinien #unterwegs #vanlive #feuerlandtour #wohnmobil #photography #atlantic #chile
#travel #nature #fähre #magalanstraße
"I Can't Dance" is the fourth track from English rock band #Genesis' 14th studio album, #WeCantDance (1991) and was released in December 1991 by #Atlantic (US) and #VirginRecords as the second single from the record. Lyrics were composed by drummer #PhilCollins with music written collectively by the band. The song peaked at number seven on both the US #Billboard Hot 100 and the #UKSinglesChart.
...former "Allies" from the across the #Atlantic.
As I wrote earlier, like #Mobsters.
This is what we get for being to picky about #PamelaHarris.
The #MAGAT's need to pay up the oligarchs having financed the #TrumpCoup.
As #AOC said on #YT in a 90 min. speech a week ago or so:
The #TrumpeanTaxbreaks for the #Superrich are sunsetting in just a few months. To refinance them, as the #US would not meet the #EU #DeficitCriteria by far, they need to find huge amounts...